Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Inventors Of Computer, Software and Devices - By Best Computer Institute - Kaish Computer Institute-Lucknow

 Inventors In Computer Science

Inventors of the Computer Hardware



Inventor of CD-ROM

James Russel (1965)

Inventor of Floppy Disk

Alan Shugart & IBM (1970)

Inventor / Designer of First Apple Computer 

Steve Wozniak (1976)

Inventor of First General-Purpose Computer (IBM 701) 

Cuthbert Hurd

Inventor of First Electrical Binary Programmable computer (z series) 

Konrad Zuse (1936)

Inventor of First Fully Electronic Digital Computer 

John Vincent Atanasoff & Clifford Berry (1942)

Inventor of First Electronic General-Purpose Digital Computer (ENIAC) 

J. Presper Eckert & John Mauchly (1946)

Inventor of Hard Disk

IBM (The IBM Model 350 Disk File, 1956)

Inventor of Integrated Circuits 

Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce (1958) 

Inventor of Keyboard 

Christopher Latham Sholes

Inventor of (first) Laptop Computer (Osborne I) 

Adam Osborne (1981) 

Inventor of Laptop Computer in Modern Form

Bill Moggridge (Grid Compass 1100 called the GRID , 1979) 

Inventor of Laser Printer

Gary Starkweather at XEROX (1969) 

Inventor of Microprocessor

Faggin, Hoff & Mazor (intel 4004)

Inventor of Microphone 

Emile Berliner(1876)

Inventor of Modem (First PC Modem, 80-103A)

Dennis Hayes & Dale Heatherington (1977)

Inventor of Monitor (CRT - Cathode Ray Tube) 

Karl Ferdinand Braun (1897)

Inventor of Mouse 

Douglas Engelbart (1964) 

Inventor of RAM 

An Wang and Jay Forrester

Inventor of Hard Disk 

Reynold B. Johnson

Inventor of Scanner (image) 

Ray Kurzweil 

Inventor of Speakers

Abinawan Puracchidas (1991) 

Inventor of Trackball 

Tom Cranston & Fred Longstaff (1952)

Inventor of Transistor

John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & William Shockley (1947-1948) 

Inventor of Touchscreen Technology 

E. A. Johnson (1965)

Inventor of UNIVAC

J. Prosper Eckert & John Mauchly

Inventor of USB

Ajay V. Bhatt

Inventor of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

 John J. Hanley (1934).


Inventors of Computer Software and Technology

We have added the inventors of computer software and technology here. This inventrs of computer software and technology table will give you knowledge about the inventors of BIOS, Email, Bluetooth, Internet, Google and more. Needed candidates can refer to the table which is given below in this inventors of computer software and technology post.


Inventors of Computer Software and Technology



inventor of BIOS

Gary Kildall

Inventor of Bluetooth

Dr. Jaap Haartsen, Ericsson

Inventor of First Camera Phone solution sharing pictures instantly on public networks

Philippe Kahn (1997).

Inventor of Ethernet 

David Boggs, Chuck Thacker & Butler Lampson (Xerox PARC).

Inventor of Analytical Engine

Charles Babbage (1822)

Inventor of ARPANET

Leonard Kleinrock (1969).

Inventor of Internet

Vint Cerf & Robert E. Kahn

Inventor of Packet Switching Techniques in Computer Networking 

Paul Baran.

Inventor of the World Wide Web (WWW) 

Tim Berners-Lee.

Inventor of Computer Bug

Grace Murray Hopper

Inventor of Artificial Intelligence

John McCarthy.

Computer Graphics was developed by

William Fetter

Founder of Email

Ray Tomlinson

Founder of Google

Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Founder of Yahoo

Jerry Yang and David Filo

Inventor of First Data Base

Dr. Edgar Frank Codd

Inventors of Computer Chip (IC) 

Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce

UNIVAC was developed by

John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert

Inventor of Ethernet Computer Networking

David Boggs, Chuck Thacker and Butler Lampsonin

Founder of UNIX 

Dennis Ritchie

Founder of LINUX

Linus Torvalds

Founder of Windows

Bill Gates

Inventors of the Computer Languages

The inventors of the computer languages are available in this inventors of the computer article. The candidates can check it in the following table. This inventors of the computer languages table will be helpful to be familiar with the inventors of C, C++, COBOL, Java, Javascript, Python, PHP and more.


Inventors of the Computer Languages



Inventor of BASIC

John G. Kemeny & Thomas E. Kurtz.

Inventor of C

Dennis Ritchie.

Inventor of C++

Bjarne Stroustrup.

Inventor of COBOL

Grace Murray Hopper

Inventor of DOS

Tim Paterson

Inventor of Java

James Gosling

Inventor of JavaScript

Brendan Eich

Inventor of PASCAL

Niklaus Wirth.

Inventor of PERL

Larry Wall (1987)

Inventor of Python

Guido van Rossum

Inventor of First Database (RDBMS)

Dr. Edgar Frank Codd (IBM, 1970).

Founder/Designer of PHP

Rasmus Lerdorf.

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